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Colorado Destinations

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Colorado Ski Resort

Tourists come for it is the best ski resort in colorado. Tourists come for it’s amazing pine trees. They come for its nice snowy land scape. They come for its nice peaks. They come  for its amazing view down a nice mountain and all the white scenery. 

Mesa Verde National Park

Tourists come for its ancestral pueblos. They come for its plain view of forest. They come to see if they can see it for it is hidden in plain sight but you can walk right by it. tourists who do see it are often fascinated for it is more than a thousand years old. They come because it is mostly all in tact. 

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Pikes Peak

Tourists come for its soring mountain peaks. Its views are amazing. Tourists come to see the mountain goats on the mountain. Tourists enjoy the senory  on a nice tour of the entire mountain. They come for all the colorful birds that soar the sky. 

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